Barcelona Music Concerts 2019

Read our concert schedule
  • San Miguel Mas i Mas Festival

    Barcelona festival

    San Miguel Mas i Mas Festival

  • Jamboree Jazz Club Barcelona

    jamboree jazz & dance club

    Live jazz, disco hip hop and r&b

  • Moog Electronic Dancing Club Barcelona


    Electronic music, live dj's, live acts

  • Tarantos - Flamenco Shows Barcelona


    Live flamenco shows. 70-90s disco, funk & rock music

  • Fundació Mas i Mas - Classical music concerts in Barcelona


    Classical Concerts

  • Jamboree dance Club Barcelona

    jamboree dance club

    Discoteque hip hop and r&b

  • Tarantos Club

    Tarantos Club

    Indie, Pop, Rock... Sessions

For seventeenth consecutive year, Barcelona has a festival with live music every night of August: San Miguel Mas i Mas Festival.  A contest with a wide range of proposals: from jazz to electronica, through flamenco, soul, blues and Cuban music, among other genres. A meeting to enjoy concerts in large -and emblematic- stages of the city, but also to taste it in small-format venues: Jamboree, Tarantos and Moog.


Between July 30 and August 31, 93 proposals will sound distributed in 8 spaces of the city of Barcelona. The festival starts at Coliseum theater  with a beat of black music called “I'm a Soul Woman”, a tribute to the great voices of soul history, and Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, a torrential metal band from Chicago.


Names like Jean Toussaint, Carla Cook and Perico Sambeat will live perform at Jamboree during the first week of August, coinciding with their participation in the jazz seminar organized by the Global Music Foundation in Barcelona. For the second consecutive year, San Miguel Mas i Mas Festival will host part of the activity of this important foundation based in London.


The cava of the Plaza Reial will also be a place to discover the jazz, soul, funk or blues that could be seen in the coming decades, with young national and international talents, but also to listen to musicians with a long and fruitful career .


The flamenco essence of the dancers Olga Llorente and Ricardo Moro, and the art of the dancer Yiyo, will fill the Tarantos hall with “duende”. 


Moog will once again propose the best electronics that can be heard in the city. The best DJs will be precisely in charge of putting music in the big party that will close the San Miguel Mas i Mas Festival'19 in “Poble Espanyol”. 


The Plaza Reial, with 10 outdoor concerts, the Glaciar bar, with different jam sessions, and the “San Miguel Terrace”, within the framework of the “Festa Major de Gràcia”, are the new stages of the event.


Jazz, soul, funk, blues, flamenco, Afrobeat, Afro-Cuban music ... Staying in Barcelona in August is no excuse for not leaving home.


  • Jamboree Jazz CLub Barcelona
  • Moog Electronic Dancing Club Barcelona
  • Tarantos - Espectacles Flamenco Barcelona
  • Tarantos Club - Sessions de Indie, Pop, Rock Barcelona
  • Jamboree Dance Club Barcelona
  • Fundació Mas i Mas - Concerts de música clàssica a Barcelona
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